Call it vanity, call it ego, call it what you will -- after chasing my desired domain name for several years, I have finally secured it this week: is now officially open for business.
I'm assured that all links to the old address ( will continue to work, as will all individual links to old posts. I figure this will probably cut into my ranking next time someone posts a Top 50 list. But hey, now I'll have something other than my own inactivity to blame.
A much bigger, far more interesting announcement is coming very, very soon. Stay tuned.
Congrats on gaining rightful ownership of your coveted domain digs, Steve. But what's with hanging the carrot from the stick in terms of the big news?!? If I'm jonesing for a cliffhanger I'll cue up an old Flash Gordon serial... so c'mon, dish.
Posted by: Derek Taylor | February 21, 2008 at 02:49 PM