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May 16, 2008


Henry Holland

Thanks for the link. I think Mr. Mortier is spot-on about the HD broadcasts things: it's the same old rep, it's more of a publicity thing than an audience-building exercise. Can't wait for his first season.

That might be the most eclectic selection of your Playlist yet: Death metal, Verdi, minimalism, English pastoralism etc. No prog, though! :-)

Steve Smith

That might be the most eclectic selection of your Playlist yet: Death metal, Verdi, minimalism, English pastoralism etc. No prog, though!

In terms of motivation, it's also one of my more transparent playlists. The specific selection of death metal indicates that I finally got around to importing most of my favorite discs into iTunes on my new(ish) laptop. The Mozart string quintets were necessitated by reading Alan Rich's So I've Heard. The clutch of new-music releases (Matthews, Ruders, Tippett, Riley) is a lucky find at Academy -- the latter two items replacing copies I sold off during more impoverished years. Revisiting a batch of Leyla Gencer recordings is directly attributable to La Cieca posting this at Parterre Box after that singer's passing. And the VW-Floyd-Adams triumvirate was the result of the current "buy two, get one free" deal at Barnes & Noble.

As for prog, I'm personally of the opinion that Opeth fits that description. But for what it's worth, the unlisted soundtrack to the actual typing of that playlist was in fact Yes's Live at Montreux 2003, recently issued on Eagle, and handed to me for free two weeks ago at a show by California neoprog band (and YesWest stepchild) Circa.

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