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February 24, 2009


R J Keefe

A truly great review: I really wished I'd been there. What a nice bunch of friends/colleagues Ms Curtis must have!

Fred Royal

Seeing how Jennifer has created yet another masterful performance in NYC brings great joy to her family and friends here in North Carolina. She has come a very long way and has worked her heart out. I am so proud to have known her from birth and to witness her rise as a master performer and human being.

Steve Smith

RJ, that sound you just heard was me smacking myself in the head. You and I are overdue for the face-to-face encounter we've discussed; this concert would have been ideal, and I'm sorry I didn't drop you a line in advance.

And Fred, thank you so very much for stopping by and adding that heartfelt sentiment. I can only imagine how proud you must feel.

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