Veronika Eberle and Oliver Schnyder at Weill Recital Hall
The New York Times, February 17, 2009
An auspicious debut by a 20-year-old German violinist whose poise, insight and originality are already well beyond her years.
Prior to each half of this concert, I was treated to an earful from two audience members seated directly behind me: a violin-toting woman and a male accomplice. When they first came into earshot they were discussing pseudonymous reviews: a bad idea not just because people should stand behind what they say, but also because, apparently, a clip with a byline like "Allegrius" is tough to use in your press kit.
"But at least it's not something boring like Smith," he says.
Later, before the second half, the two were still talking about critics and criticism. She wants to do some writing; he suggests a blog. She's unconvinced: who among all those bloggers out there really has anything to say? Well, besides Alex Ross, obviously, they trip over one another to add, and Jeremy Denk, too. He wonders if she's reading the web feature in which Tony Tommasini is answering questions from readers. He likes it, because it's giving him an interesting new perspective on a writer with whose opinions he doesn't always agree.
"You know, I really don't like any of the current Times critics at all," she says.
(Sometimes it's more fun to be a fly on the wall than others.)
"An extraordinarily rude audience - even by New York standards - turned out two nights ago for the debut recital of Veronika Eberle......"
Posted by: Marc Geelhoed | February 19, 2009 at 01:05 PM
Steve, I think Boring Like Smith would be a brilliant title for a new blog...
And Marc's comment is this week's winner in the "Wish I'd Thought of That" sweeps.
Posted by: Bruce Hodges | February 20, 2009 at 11:59 AM