"A Warm Welcome for 'Doctor Who' in New York"
The New York Times Artsbeat, August 26, 2012
In a reasonably spontaneous yet entirely natural departure from my usual beat, on Saturday evening I covered BBC America's American-debut preview of “Asylum of the Daleks,” the first episode from the forthcoming seventh season of Doctor Who. The episode, which begins both a tumultuous season and the run-up to next year's 50th-anniversary celebration, is amazing: vast in ambition and cinematic in scope, to quote myself. (The teaser trailer provides a small taste.)
After the screening, Nerdist host Chris Hardwick hosted a fan Q&A session with Matt Smith (The Doctor), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and executive producer Caroline Skinner. No real revelations emerged, trust me, though a good time was had by all. Earlier in the afternoon I'd interviewed Skinner one-on-one at the BBC America offices; while I ultimately did not incorporate that material into this scene report, I strongly suspect it'll be used somehow, soon.
Meantime, I'll say only this: I am amazed at the fidelity of the Doctor Who fans, who've managed to keep several revelations in "Asylum of the Daleks" (including one bona fide jaw-dropper) completely under wraps, even now that three public screenings have been held.
Don't look at me. Spoilers, sweetie.
“Asylum of the Daleks” is set to air this Saturday night on BBC America. To hold you over, check out the newly posted opening episode of Pond Life, a BBC web series meant to show what's happening with the Doctor's recently abandoned companions, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, up to the time of the season premiere.
And here, look at some more photos!