Bard Music Festival, Weekend Two, at Bard College, August 16-18, 2013
The New York Times, August 20, 2013
Here's a little something you probably figured out about me some time ago: I have a nearly pathological aversion to posting my work for The New York Times out of chronological sequence. Sounds pretty innocuous – except that it wreaks absolute havoc on regular blogging if I miss posting a review for a day, a week, a month and onward, causing everything newer to pile up behind it in a badly clogged pipeline.
#firstworldproblems, believe me, I'm well aware. Still, as someone who actually does aspire to do this better and more regularly again, it's a vaguely substantial issue. All of which is to say that I'm not going to spend a lot of time here talking about what in specific frustrates me in my Bard Music Festival review. Instead, I'm going to post it, move on, and figure out how to deal with the previous stuff I skipped over some time this weekend.
Yes, really.
If you are genuinely disappointed that I'm not conducting a postmortem on my review, or waxing philosophical about the festival itself, then I'll commend you to read the blog post to which last year's BMF review was attached. That was a pretty satisfying post; this one's sole purpose is to appear on Tuesday.
Postscript: Yes, I did eventually realize that I wrote all of the above on Wednesday.