[I intended to post this here on Monday, but the DDoS hacker attack on Typepad put paid to that notion, so I posted this on Facebook. Here it is, in case you missed it before now.—Steve]
A new baby…a new work status…and now, a new job. What started with a simple email I received a few weeks ago has transformed with head-spinning speed into an opportunity I never saw coming, and obviously could not refuse.
On Monday, May 19, I report to work as the new Assistant Arts Editor of the Boston Globe.
My territory covers music – classical, popular and all shades in between – as well as visual art, for which I've had an intense lifelong passion. My new boss is Rebecca Ostriker. My remarkable colleagues will include Jeremy Eichler — just one of whose large shoes I stepped into at The New York Times in 2006 — as well as Matthew Guerrieri, David Weininger, James Reed, Sarah Rodman, Jon Garelick, Geoff A. Edgers and Sebastian Smee. To what extent I'll be writing remains to be seen in the short term, but anyone who knows me also knows that I can't clam up for long.
Lara and I have begun our hunt for a new domicile; I'm a bit stuck on Jamaica Plain, but we're certainly open to suggestion. I intend to be settled somewhere by Friday, May 16, with Lara, Annina, Bruno and Lola joining me as soon as feasible if not immediately.
Understand, my NYC friends, neighbors, comrades and colleagues, that I never envisioned leaving the city I've come to call home over the past 20 years. I hope you'll come up the highway to visit me from time to time, and I promise at some point to do the same. I also hope that we can see as many of you as we can during the next few weeks.
Farewell but not goodbye, New York City. And hey, Boston: let's dance.
Congratulations and bravo for the courage to make such a big life change so quickly. I've been in Boston now for a year after 10 in NYC and never been so happy. Quality of life has gone up roughly 600%. It's a bizarre music scene here with lots of interesting fiefdoms but no consensus on anything. I'm attempting to make an impression...
Anyway, welcome and please be in touch,
Orange Mountain Music
Posted by: Richard Guerin | April 24, 2014 at 09:57 PM