Mary Halvorson Octet - Away With You (Firehouse 12; due Oct. 28)
Claude Debussy - Images; Jeux; Nocturnes; La Mer; Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune; Marche écossaise sur un theme populaire; Printemps; Two movements from L’Infant Prodigue; Berceuse héroïque - Women of the RSNO Chorus, Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Stéphane Denève (Chandos)
Eric Wubbels - Duos with Piano: Book I - Wet Ink Ensemble (Carrier)
> Shiverer - Erin Lesser, Eric Wubbels; "the children of fire come looking for fire" - Josh Modney, Eric Wubbels; doxa - Ian Antonio, Eric Wubbels; This is This is This is - Alex Mincek, Eliot Gattegno, Eric Wubbels
Joda Clément - Sea Songs (Caduc)
Robert Rich - Morphology (Anodize)
Michael Pisaro - the earth and the sky - Reinier van Houdt (ErstClass; due Oct. 17)
> half-sleep beings; Akasa; distance (1); the earth and the sky; pi (920-994); pi (2352-2420); Fade; Les Jours, Mon Aubépine; fields have ears (2); C. Wolff; green hour, grey future
Ryoko Akama - 2 compositions (Meenna)
> a proposal - four; i.take - Ryoko Akama, Ko Ishikawa, Bruno Duplant
Van der Graaf Generator - Do Not Disturb (Esoteric Antenna)
Eli Keszler - Last Signs of Speed (Empty Editions; due Nov. 17)
Augustus Pablo - This Is Augustus Pablo (VP Music Group)
Augustus Pablo and Friends - 40 Greatest Hits (Alexander Music Group)
King Crimson - "Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row," "The ConstruKction of Light," "The Letters," "Meltdown," "Red," "Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part I" - 2016 European Tour downloads (DGMLive)
Jeffry Astin - Bhsaaveaegi (Elestial Sound)