A weekly tally of memorable things Steve Smith has stuck in his ears.
Mark R. Taylor - Aftermaths - Teodora Stepančić (Another Timbre; 2018)
> For Alex Schady; from Moments Musicaux Book 1; Aftermaths Set One; from Moments Musicaux Book 4; Aftermaths Set Two; Lijn; from Preludes Nos. I-VIII; For Marc Hulson V; Second Nocturne; final music
Puce Mary - The Drought (PAN; 2018)
Matthew Revert/Vanessa Rosetto - Everyone Needs a Plan (Erstwhile; 2018)
Áine O'Dwyer/Graham Lambkin - Green Ways (Erstwhile; 2018)
Mary Jane Leach - (f)lutesongs - Manuel Zurria (Modern Love; 2018)
> Trio for Duo; Dowland's Tears; Semper Dolens; Bruckstück
Wang Lu - Urban Inventory (New Focus; 2018)
> Urban Inventory - Third Sound Ensemble/Patrick Castillo; Wailing - Holland Symfonia/Hans Leedners; Backstory - Alarm Will Sound/Alan Pierson; Cross-Around - Le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne/Lorraine Vaillancourt; Cloud Intimacy - International Contemporary Ensemble/Ross Karre; past beyond - Ensemble Intercontemporain/Susanna Mälkki
Jürg Frey - 120 Pieces of Sound (Elsewhere; 2018)
> 60 Pieces of Sound - Jürg Frey, Ordinary Affects; L’âme est sans retenue II
Clara de Asís - Without - Erik Carlson, Greg Stuart (Elsewhere; 2018)
Stefan Thut - about - Ryoko Akama, Stephen Chase, Eleanor Cully, Patrick Farmer, lo wie, Stefan Thut (Elsewhere; 2018)
Philip White and Chris Pitsiokos - Collapse (Anticausal Systems; 2018)
Oliver Thurley - Network for string quartet - Alice Dawkins, Hannah Packman, Katherine Lambeth, Claudia Chapman (Soundcloud; 2013)
Eartheater - Irisiri (PAN; 2018)
Sarah Davachi - Let Night Come On Bells End the Day (Recital; 2018)
Sarah Davachi - Gave In Rest (Ba Da Bing; 2018)
Jennifer Koh - Saariaho x Koh (Cedille; 2018)
> Tocar - Jennifer Koh, Nicholas Hodges; Cloud Trio - Jennifer Koh, Hsin-Yun Huang, Wilhelmina Smith; Light and Matter - Jennifer Koh, Anssi Karttunen, Nicolas Hodges; Aure - Jennifer Koh, Anssi Karttunen; Graal théâtre - Jennifer Koh, Curtis 20/21 Ensemble/Conner Gray Covington
Kaj Duncan David & Assaf Gidron - Kjam (Love Records; 2018)
Teodora Stepančić - trio duo solo (self-released; 2018)
> for pianist and helperformer - Teodora Stepančić, Assaf Gidron; The Trio - Nataša Blagojević, Dejan Božić, Milana Zarić; #4 the guitar - Eliott Simpson, James Moore, Teodora Stepančić
Tomb Mold - Manor of Infinite Forms (20 Buck Spin; 2018)
Christopher Fox – Topophony – John Butcher, Thomas Lehn, Axel Dörner, Paul Lovens, WDR Sinfonieorchester/Ilan Volkov (hat(now)ART)
Robert Ashley - Improvement (Nonesuch; 1982)
Melaine Dalibert - Musique pour le lever du jour (Elsewhere; 2018)
Monty Adkins - A Year at Usher's Hill (EIlean; 2017)
John Cage - number pieces (piano) - Guy Vandromme (Edition Wandelweiser; 2018. Audio sample here.)
> One (version 1); One (version 2); One5
Tom Johnson - spaces . an hour for piano - Keiko Shichijo (Edition Wandelweiser; 2018. Audio sample here.)
> Spaces; An Hour for Piano
Ferran Fages - detuning series for guitar - Ferran Fages, Didier Aschour (Edition Wandelweiser; 2018. Audio samples here.)
Rutger Zuydervelt - sileen II - Gareth Davis, Rutger Zuydervelt (Edition Wandelweiser; 2018. Audio sample here.)
Thrainn Hjalmarsson - Influence of buildings on musical tone (Carrier; due Sept. 7, 2018) > Influence of buildings on musical tone - Caput Ensemble/Guðni Franzson; Grisaille - Icelandic Flute Ensemble/Hallfríður Ólafsdóttir; Persona - Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir; Mise en scène - Ensemble Adapter; Lucid/Opaque - Nordic Affect
King Crimson - Orpheum Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 23, 1973 (DGMLive; 2018. Audio samples here.)