The Girl's continuing journey through music, with The Dad taking notes.
Let’s Eat Grandma
I, Gemini
(Transgressive; 2016)
[before I’ve said a word]
“I really like this part of the music, Daddy. I really like the voices. What is this called?”
[“You aren’t going to believe it, but this is a group of two young women who are called Let’s Eat Grandma.”]
“Let’s Eat Grandma?! That’s crazy.”
[“What do you like about it?”]
“I like the little voices at the beginning of it. How old are they?”
[“They met when they were just four years old, like you. They started their band when they were 13, and they made this album when they were only 17.”]
“Well, they sure do have a lot of instruments. What language are they singing?”
[“It’s in English.”]
“Oh, I couldn’t tell, because they said ‘syntha,’ and I couldn’t tell it was English.”
[Note: They do not say “syntha,” though they do say “shiitake” and “syncopated.” And they do have a lot of vintage keyboards, drum machines, bells, and other gadgets and doodads. It’s daffy and charming and rather a lot of fun.]
Transcribed June 18, 2018.